Saturday, 23 February 2013

Why Zoos?

Stu traveling between Quesnel and Bowran Lake Provincial Park British Columbia Canada
From as early as I can remember I have always liked animals. During my childhood in Australia,  I could easily spend days watching animals in their natural habitats. Like most people, when I got older priorities change and the day to day grind kicked in. 

A recent trip to Canada changed all that. Traveling through both British Columbia and Alberta I saw the best that nature has to offer. It reminded me how valuable nature really is but also how vulnerable it is, and I felt I needed to do something to highlight the importance of all animals around the world. 

Why a blog on Zoos?

Now I was in two minds when it comes to doing a blog on zoos. Yes you do hear the horror stories about animals locked in small cages being tormented, bored and left to be on show with no care for their welfare and state of mind. But I have found the majority of zoos’ focus on the welfare of animals, the education in the protection of their habitats, and the conservation efforts that extend outside of their front gates. They spend millions of dollars on enclosures to give animals the very best in care whilst stimulating their natural instincts. These are the zoos that I will be telling you about in this blog.

A great zoo is a place for education, a place that shows us what we have and what we could lose and more importantly how we can save it for many generations to come. I do truly believe that without these great zoos, sanctuaries and wildlife parks we will end up losing those places in the world like the wilderness that I found in Canada.  

So what's Stu @ The Zoo blog all about?

So this is my mission: Learn about and review zoos that have the qualities to inspire and encourage people to do more for conservation and our animals and their natural habitats. Join me as I travel around the world showing the very best in what zoos, wildlife parks and sanctuaries have to offer with my reviews, latest news, short videos and photographs. I hope this blog inspires you to visit one of these zoos and learn more about how you can help in the conservation and survival of our animal friends.
Deer at Bow River Falls, Banff Alberta Canada

© February



  1. Looking forward to reading more posts Stuart!! I'm glad your trip to Canada inspired you to start on this path!! Now you'll just have to come back!

    - Carissa

  2. Thanks Carissa , planning on doing driving trip in 2014. Lots of Zoo's to review in Canada .

  3. Good stuff Stu the areas where these parks and sanctuaries are. Are much more intersting than the human zoos (cities). Looking forward to more stories.

  4. Thanks Stu for taking this interest in our Animal Kingdom and their envirement.
    Zoo's are great places to take our children,grandchildren for them to learn about these special creatures.

    I do hope you will enlarge on our Wild Life animals and how we can preserve them? This is so important as many are getting exstinct. Good Luck in this project of yours as this will be an asset to all!

    Your Loving Mother-in- Law.

  5. Thanks Evelyn , thanks for your support

  6. love it stuart was real great
    keep it up


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